Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Nobody Diet

If I had been more brave or even more confident, I would have started this blog at the beginning of my weight loss journey, not toward the end.

But I didn't. So here we are.

And here I am, now officially 60-plus pounds lighter than my highest recorded weight. And I feel like there's a story to tell there. Yes, maybe it's a story you've heard before from people like me who have been overweight and have taken it off, but I still have a story.

It's called the Nobody Diet because I'm a nobody. I'm not a celebrity who signed an endorsement with Jenny Craig. I didn't use high-end personal trainers (or any personal trainer, for that matter), a weight loss TV show, magic pills, special diets, paid programs, or anything else to lose weight. I did it by myself. I'm still doing it by myself. Yes, I have resources and tools I use, but other than access to a gym, I've never paid money for them.

That's the Nobody Diet. The fact that, despite all the experts out there ready to let you pay them big money to give you the "secret" to weight loss, there really is no secret. And, over the course of this blog, I'll share those non-secrets with you in a practical setting.

Over the next few weeks, I'll start by telling my story, which isn't over, and really never will be.


  1. Looking forward to following your progress and learning from you!

  2. Glad to hear you didn't pay for you weight loss. I always figured I didn't have to pay to put it on so why pay to take it off. All it takes is just some plain common sense. Looking forward to your blog-and this is Mom, on Dad's computer!

  3. That is awesome James. And I love the fact that you'll be blogging about the process. Just know I'll be following along.
