Last time I talked about taking a week off running and the effect it had on my training schedule. If you think recovering from a week of no running is hard, try the same with blogging.
I came up with every excuse I could over the last couple of weeks in order to not have to blog.
"Nobody's reading it anyway."
"I don't have anything useful to share."
"Everyone's heard all of this already."
Blogging really is like running. It's hard and awkward at first. You feel like you don't belong, like you're doing something every person out there has already tried and been successful at. You can feel like the least original person in the world.
But, no matter. Like running, blogging is about exercise. Mental exercise. As much as our bodies need physical exertion, our minds need it just as much. Without consistency, you'll never establish a solid foundation in anything.
So, here's to getting back on the horse.
Stay on that horse! We are reading! And loving it!